The Internal Revenue Service has finally issued regulations clarifying when costs related to fixed assets...
The IRS has issued final, comprehensive “repair regulations” that affect both real and personal property...
President Obama has proposed a couple of tax changes that will hurt upper income taxpayers...
Do you consider your Company immune to fraud? Or have you ever thought to yourself,...
Recently a client contacted me wondering why his corporation had received a “Demand for Tax...
The Affordable Care Act has imposed some significant challenges to medical practitioners. Many physicians are...
A foreigner does not have to have a green card, permanent residence status or a...
Many property owners have enjoyed the protection of Proposition 13 and the 2% annual cap...
The governor’s new tax credit package for businesses in 2014 includes the California Competes Credit,...
More and more accountants and financial advisors are recommending that we have a will, living...
Were you one of the millions of Americans who paid the new 3.8% Medicare Tax...
Have you ever heard the phase “do business with those you know”? It makes sense,...
Physicians are in a unique situation when they own their practice. Not only are they...
Various options are available when physicians or medical groups look for investment opportunities. Real estate...
Over the past several years, medical practices have faced declining reimbursements from insurance providers. Declining...