To make the most of your retirement benefits, including 401(k)’s, individual retirement accounts, Social Security...
The Internal Revenue Service wrapped up its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams earlier...
The Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA released the Standards for Accounting and...
With the 2016 income tax filing season in full swing, the Internal Revenue Service has...
Good news for Santa Ana businesses! The recent tax bill included an extension of the...
Every business faces challenges regardless of its stage of development. However, the ones that face...
An often overlooked aspect of family businesses is planning for transition to the next generation....
Before the EB-5 investor obtains a green card, if he/she spends less than 183 days...
It seems every year Congress waits until the last moment to enact extensions on tax...
The Trade Preferences Extension Act, put in place June 29, 2015, significantly increases penalties for...
The year end is fast approaching. It is almost time for your independent auditors to...
Introduction You are the director of finance for a local government that traditionally receives all...
On July 31, 2015, President Obama signed the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice...
2-Day Seminar Hosted by LSL, CPA’s Presented by Harry M. Barth, Esq. Thursday, November 19,...
When your spouse dies there are so many things to deal with that an inherited...