Opportunity Zones The Opportunity Zone Is the Latest Tool for Community Development and Capital Gains...
Here’s some great news for California owners of real estate investment properties: As of September...
If you are a real estate investor, you probably know there are several options when...
President Donald Trump’s tax plan has been placed on the back burner and tax reform...
How can you scrap an existing building, build four condos on the site, and not...
Most real estate investors know that they have several options when choosing how to invest...
Want to avoid probate on real estate transfers at death? Not married? There is a...
Many clients who own real estate do not just own one piece of property, they...
There are a variety of entities for investing in real estate: sole proprietorship, C corporation, S...
A large part of the American Dream has always been to own real estate, whether...
LSL is a full service accounting firm that can provide accounting and tax services for...
A Section 1031 like-kind exchange of property is a great way to defer a taxable...
Many property owners have enjoyed the protection of Proposition 13 and the 2% annual cap...
As foreign buyers make up a quarter of the people buying and selling real estate...
We as advisors are frequently asked “what entity is best to own investment real estate?” ...