LSL Webinar “Back to Basics | Mastering Accounts Receivable Reconciliations,” presented by Amber Haston and Samantha Asbra led you through what a reconciliation entails, a step-by-step approach to performing AR reconciliations efficiently and accurately each year, and best practices for documentation and audit preparation.

In case you missed it – this article will overview best practices local government agencies can adopt to enhance their financial controls and prepare effectively for audits.

Through the Auditor’s Lens on AR Reconciliations

AR reconciliations are foundational to organizational integrity and reliability, extending beyond financial management. From an auditor’s perspective, adopting best practices involves meticulous and regular reviews. By implementing these practices, organizations not only mitigate financial inaccuracies but also demonstrate adherence to stringent accounting principles. Proactively conducting AR reconciliations helps prevent potential misstatements and strengthens compliance with regulatory standards. This approach not only safeguards against discrepancies but also fosters a culture of trust and transparency within the organization.

Best Practices for Mastering AR Reconciliations for Year-End Close

Implementing best practices for AR reconciliations can strengthen financial controls, enhance operational efficiency, and uphold the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting. Bookmark, save, or print this post for easy reference as you and your team adopt best practices:

  1. Timely Reconciliations: Timely reconciliations are crucial in maintaining financial accuracy and transparency. Waiting until year-end to reconcile accounts receivable (AR) can lead to discrepancies going unnoticed for extended periods, potentially snowballing into larger issues. Regular, scheduled reconciliations—ideally monthly or quarterly—allow for prompt identification and resolution of discrepancies. This proactive approach not only ensures financial integrity but also facilitates smoother year-end processes.
  2. Actual Reconciliation: Beyond identifying discrepancies, actual reconciliation involves thoroughly comparing and aligning the balances between the subsidiary ledger (where individual transactions are recorded) and the general ledger (which consolidates these transactions). This process verifies the accuracy of AR balances and ensures that financial statements reflect the true financial position of the organization. By conducting detailed reconciliations, discrepancies can be promptly addressed, preventing inaccuracies from carrying forward into financial reporting.
  3. Duty Segregation: Segregating responsibilities between invoicing and reconciliation functions is a critical internal control measure. By assigning different individuals or teams to handle these tasks, organizations can create a checks-and-balances system that reduces the risk of errors and fraud. Separation of duties ensures that no single individual has control over both the initiation and verification of transactions, enhancing accountability and detection of irregularities.
  4. Leveraging Technology: Utilizing advanced software solutions tailored for AR reconciliations can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy. Automated reconciliation tools can streamline the matching of transactions, identify discrepancies more quickly, and reduce manual errors. These technologies also provide real-time insights into AR balances, supporting informed decision-making and timely resolution of outstanding items. Integration with ERP systems further enhances data integrity across financial operations.
  5. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is essential throughout the reconciliation process. This includes maintaining detailed records of each reconciliation performed, documenting the steps taken to investigate discrepancies, and recording the resolutions implemented. Clear documentation not only serves as an audit trail but also facilitates knowledge transfer within the organization, ensuring consistency and continuity in AR management practices.


For local government agencies, mastering AR reconciliations is a testament to their diligence and transparency. By adopting these best practices, agencies can strengthen their financial controls and prepare for successful audits. For a step-by-step guide on the preparation of AR reconciliations, check out ‘Mastering AR Reconciliations for Year-End Close: A Blueprint for Local Governments’.

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