Caseware Training Software Requirements


It is the responsibly of the Attendee to make sure that all the following advanced preparation has been performed before the start date of the training session.

All Caseware-Related Programs

All of our Caseware Training Sessions are for the most recent version of Caseware Working Papers. Trial/demo installs are available from Caseware’s sales department. If your firm is operating on a legacy version and cannot update, please be sure to notify the trainer before the session and collaborate on how to proceed.
Be sure to make a backup of any file you are currently working on before the training session.
If you are working in Caseware Cloud, you may need to log out of your current smart sync session. Please be sure to keep a record of your login information for your operating smart sync server as it may be changed during the training session.

Financials Template Programs

The pre-requisite to these requirements is the previously mentioned Working Papers Environment.
If you are currently working on a Template, please be sure to repackage your template and backup your Working Papers file before continuing.
Your trainer will provide you with a training Working Papers File, as well as a training Template file. Because these installations may require I.T. assistance, it is imperative that this installation takes place before the training. If you cannot locate the training files, please notify the trainer immediately.

CaseView Programs

Please follow the instructions for those of the Financials Template Program.
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