Pit Box Talk


Advisory content designed for you to grab and go

Just like a professional race car driver has a pit box he can pull into for for quick strategy and input, our ‘Pix Box Talk’ offers business owners insightful tips from our team of CPAs & specialists on the latest trends to help your business continue to grow and thrive.

Monthly Advisory Tips

June 2021

LSL Accounting Specialist, Candy Mako introduces 4-part series on budgets – a very powerful financial tool.

Creating Budgets in QuickBooks: Intro to 4-part series - Part 1

May 2021

LSL Partner Adam Odom, CPA shows how to increase your business cash flow by decreasing days in accounts receivable – get your money from consumers faster.

Cash Flow & Accounts Receivable Relationship

April 2021

LSL Partner Adam Odom, CPA shows how to increase your business cash flow by extending your days in accounts payable.

Cash Flow & Accounts Payable Relationship

April 2021

Accounting Services Specialist Candy Mako gives a simplified view of the Profit & Loss Statement and Balance sheet, and key points on how to use this information to make informed business decisions.

Financial Reports Simplified: How to build them. How to read them.

March 2021

What are your top 5 Expenses? Are they in alignment with your core values?

Do you know your top 5 expenses? Are you spending money on the right things? Should you spend money on other areas to get a better return on your investment?

Take a few minutes, monthly, quarterly, and yearly to review this aspect of your business. You may be surprised at what you discover. A quick review like this one, with financial reporting tools, provides insight to your business spending decisions and help you align your core values with your company’s vision.