Since the new tax law, also known as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (“TCJA”),...
The Internal Revenue Service wrapped up its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams earlier...
With the 2016 income tax filing season in full swing, the Internal Revenue Service has...
Good news for Santa Ana businesses! The recent tax bill included an extension of the...
It seems every year Congress waits until the last moment to enact extensions on tax...
The Trade Preferences Extension Act, put in place June 29, 2015, significantly increases penalties for...
Recently our own shareholder Ron Stumpf was invited to participate in the annual Commercial Real Estate...
The Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015 became effective on...
The governor’s new tax credit package for businesses includes the California Competes Credit, a credit...
Every year, the IRS sends countless notices to taxpayers. Although this can be frightening, you...
A Section 1031 like-kind exchange of property is a great way to defer a taxable...
Recently a client contacted me wondering why his corporation had received a “Demand for Tax...
The governor’s new tax credit package for businesses in 2014 includes the California Competes Credit,...