Back to Basics | Lighten Your Year-End Load: Tackle Accounts Payable, Accrued Liabilities, and Long-Term Debt Reconciliations with Ease

Not only will we tackle long-term debt reconciliations but so much more to get you ahead on your year-end checklist. Start the new fiscal year with ease by staying ahead of the game with Long-term Debt, Accounts Payable (AP), and Accrued Liabilities.

Join LSL Manager Jayme Lambert, CPA, and Supervisor Monica Fernandez as they guide you through a step-by-step approach designed to help local government finance departments balance their workload throughout the year, improve accuracy, and streamline year-end processes.

They briefly touch on what belongs on your long-term debt schedule, benefits of prioritizing early debt reconciliation, and the impact of staff turnover on thorough covenant review.

But that’s not all—get the details on how to:

  • Establish a robust cut-off policy for AP
  • Ensure all payables are captured in the correct period
  • Reconcile the AP aging to the general ledger
  • And, avoid stale AP that should be paid or written off

Plus, gain insights into Accrued Liabilities including payroll accrual & how to calculate it and compensated absences accrual & how it will change with the new GASB 101 standard.

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